
Diósgyőr castle

In the place of the ring-shaped stand castle standing here before the Conquest building of the huge stone castle commenced in the second half of the 13th century. In 1271 a new castle was mentioned in the charts. The Diósgyõr Castle was developed into a strong fortress and furnished in luxurious style by Ernye ban\'s family. It was an unattainable fortress by the offensive weapons of that period. It was further extended by Lajos (the Great) and it became an important political centre due to the Polish connections. At that time the castle was in its hey-day. From the time of Zsigmond\'s reign until the Mohács Disaster it was the residence of the current queen. Afterwards it was given in gage to different families. By this time it had lost its strategic role but it still defended Miskolc and the neighbouring villages against the Turkish troops wanting to levy a payment on the territory. The deterioration of the castle started during the Turkish reign. In 1673 it got into the Kuruc\'s hands and therefore the commanding officer of the imperial army in Kassa sent a troop of 1500 soldiers to occupy it. This was the only siege of the castle that is known. The castle was set on fire and was destroyed. It became a ruin on 11th July 1678. On this day Kuruc troops prevented German troops from moving there when they arrived and destroyed the outer walls extending inside the ditch and the two barbicans protecting the entrance of the drawbridge. After this the castle became the stone-source of the buildings of the area. The exploration and restoration of the castle began in 1953. Owing to the constant restoration the Diósgyõr Castle is one of the most important medieval monuments of the country. During the exploration several findings, objects and wings of building connected to the history of the castle were found. The Diósgyõr Castle is not only a beauty spot but it also holds international and national open-air performances.

North-East Tower:
Peace Treaty of Venice,1381-Waxworks,
Rondella Bastion:
An exhibition showing the arm- history of the medieval Europe

North-West Tower:
Mint-pressing machine for making coins, handmint

Pentagon Bastion Ruin:
Parade Canon of the 16th century-reproduction

Historical Waxwork Museum
-The greatest number of figures in Central Europe showing the life of the prospering Middle Ages in 6 scenes:
„The Joys of Life”
„The Tournament”
„The Fair”
„The Hellish Adventures of Magyar György in the Irish St. Patrick Cave”
„The Celebration of Coat of Arm Donation to the City of Kassa in 1369”
„Ludovico Magnus-The Knight King”

